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Scam: #19697

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 12/24/2018
  • Severity: 1

Ryan Mondoley

Misogynist troll exposed

Las Vegas, Nevada

This is about the guy who posts various sexist comments on Facebook, Twitter, and many other sites.

His name is Ryan Mondoley and he is from Las Vegas, Nevada.

He is known as Pink Panty Douche because he was exposed for wearing women’s pink panties, and for making derogatory comments about women.

His other nickname is Tic Tac Dick, which is due to his incredibly tiny penis.

He resided in Iowa, Wyoming, Virginia, Nebraska, and Texas previously.
He kept moving when his sexist attitude was discovered.

He pesters people by spamming on different posts how he thinks women belong be in the kitchen.

He also likes to post comments about how people are losers for liking different things or about how he rules the world, and thinks he’s awesome.

He’s even gone so far as to victim blame women when they’ve been attacked.

He has stated that if a woman is too drunk, or wears revealing clothing then she has no one to blame but herself.

He whines when there are posts about public breastfeeding or posts talking about periods.

He doesn’t think women should be allowed to breastfeed in public, and he thinks periods are disgusting.

He likes to talk trash but if you say anything to him, he gets upset and doesn’t like being told that he is wrong.

It’s a case of he can’t take what he dishes out.

He will try to deny that the pictures are of him or that he wears pink panties but don’t believe him.

The only known social media account is his Tumblr.

Here is the link to his tumblr.

His Facebook, Twitter, IG, and other accounts always change when people start calling him out.

His phone number is (702) 342-0531

His email is

If you see him posting his nonsense, this is who's doing it.

Scam Images

Misogynist troll exposed Misogynist troll exposed


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